
How Does TrakOp Help Manage Bottled Water Subscription Business?

August 28, 2024

ravi garg, trakop, bottled water subscription business, water delivery software

Managing the bottled water subscription business efficiently is crucial for increasing productivity and profitability. Tracking deliveries, managing customer preferences, handling billing, and ensuring timely service have become important parameters for your bottled water delivery successful business. As your customer base grows, you need a powerful tool to handle and manage your business operations.

TrakOp is a comprehensive software that can help you manage subscription-based businesses, like yours bottled water services. It automates delivery operations, improves customer satisfaction, and boosts revenue. This blog will explore how TrakOp can simplify bottled water subscription business management and help you deliver better.

What is TrakOp?

TrakOp is a SaaS-based delivery management software based on a subscription-based scheduled delivery model. It supports subscription-based businesses that deliver in schedules, like milk or water delivery businesses.

The advanced features of TrakOp aim to automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual work and its chances of errors. TrakOp can help you reduce operational costs and improve profits. It has three components that work together to manage your entire business, from ordering and payments to real-time tracking and order fulfillment.

The three components of TrakOp that help you manage your bottled water subscription business are:

Admin panel

The admin panel, or business dashboard, is a consolidated platform that allows you to track and manage orders, customers, deliveries, payments, and stocks. It gives you complete visibility of how your business processes are being operated. You can also define and manage your deliverable areas, routes, and delivery schedules. Some of the features of the admin panel are:

  • Order management
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Payment tracking and reconciliation
  • Stock management
  • Delivery planning and route management
  • Notifications and reminders
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Customer management
  • Referrals and promotion
  • Track and manage water bottles

ravi garg, trakop,components, bottled water subscription business, admin panel, cusomer app, driver app

Customer app

The customer app is a mobile app for water delivery that enables your customers to place and manage their orders, delivery addresses, and personal profiles. The customer app fosters transparency, improving the customer experience and satisfaction rates. Some of the features of the customer app are:

  • Place one-time and subscription orders.
  • Pause and resume subscriptions.
  • Edit, delete, and reschedule orders
  • Multiple payment options
  • Receive notifications and payment reminders.
  • Apply referrals and coupons.
  • Real-time order tracking
  • Access order history and summaries
  • Give delivery instructions
  • Feedback and suggestions

Driver app

It is a water delivery driver app that clarifies daily tasks to your delivery drivers. It has the information, including order details, customer personal information, and delivery address. Some of the features of this delivery app are:

  • Daily task clarity
  • Create new orders (for existing and new customers).
  • Modify orders in run-time
  • Obtain electronic proof of delivery and proof of payment.
  • Collect and record cash and online payments.
  • GPS navigation
  • Record and track bottle details.

Features of TrakOp that help you manage your bottled water subscription business

TrakOp offers powerful features and functionalities to streamline and optimize water delivery service operations. It works around six modules crucial to managing the bottled water subscription business. Each module has various functionalities that improve overall business efficiency and productivity. The six modules on Water Delivery Solutions are:

ravi garg, trakop, modules, order management, payment management, stock management, delivery management, customer management, analytics and reporting

Order management

The system automates the ordering process, allowing customers to place orders (one-time and subscription) digitally. It auto-generates order summaries and invoices. The system sends automated notifications to your customers on order status updates. The order management process involves:

  • Step 1: The customers can place their bottled water subscription from the mobile app. You and your delivery drivers can also place subscriptions from the admin panel and water delivery driver app.
  • Step 2: The order details are reflected on the admin panel.
  • Step 3: The order gets assigned to the driver based on the route allotted to them. The orders are then reflected on the driver app to whom the order is assigned based on the delivery details.
  • Step 4: Drivers pick up the water bottles and deliver them to the customers’ doorsteps.

Payment management

The system auto-generates invoices based on the deliveries made. You can predefine your payment model as a prepaid, postpaid, or hybrid. The invoices are sent to the customers via SMS, email, and WhatsApp. The system supports multiple payment methods, allowing you to integrate various payment gateways. You can also send pending payment reminders to your customers. The payment process includes:

  • Customers make payments while placing the order for prepaid models. They can also recharge their in-app wallet for prepaid subscription orders. The amount gets automatically deducted as the deliveries are made.
  • If you have a postpaid payment model, the invoices are generated and sent to the customers at a definite period.
  • For the hybrid payment model, the customers can choose their payment method.

Stock management

The software generates stock reports for filled water bottles and bottle stock. The water bottle stock includes the filled bottles available in the store, extra bottles to be filled, and the total water bottles required to fulfill customer demands. The bottle stock management includes tracking empty bottles available in the store, collected back from the customers, and bottles still with customers. You can also link the empty bottles with the product or add extra charges for the bottles, which are refundable.

Delivery management

The system allows you to plan and manage your bottled water deliveries. You can optimize the delivery operations to reduce the delivery turnaround time and costs. The delivery planning process includes:

  • Create routes and deliverable areas. Define delivery time slots.
  • Create delivery driver profiles and assign them routes. The system then automatically assigns orders to drivers based on the defined area and schedule.
  • Automatically or manually optimize multiple-stop deliveries.
  • The delivery route is updated on the delivery driver app.

Customer management

The system integrates a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Customer data, like customer personal, order, and payment details, are stored here. You can use the data to offer personalized experiences to your customers to improve satisfaction rates. The features of customer management include:

  • You can create, edit, and delete your customer’s profile.
  • Manage customer wallets. You can recharge, deduct, and make refunds.
  • You can create customer groups based on their areas or average revenue generated by them, or by customer types (B2B and B2C).
  • Manage customer feedback and suggestions to make improvements.

Analytics and reporting

The system generates reports, including sales reports, customer reports, product performance reports, stock reports, empty bottle reports, transaction reports, delivery summary reports, and delivery reports. These reports can help you analyze and understand the financial health of your business. You can plan and strategize your future business growth.

How does TrakOp help you grow your water delivery business?

TrakOp, a water delivery software, offers features to streamline operations, reduce manual work, and enhance the customer experience, which leads to higher efficiency and customer retention. The software aims to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Ways in which TrakOp can help you grow your water delivery business are:

ravi garg, trakop, ways, water delivery business, customer experience, operational costs, sustainability, customer retention, scalability

Enhanced customer experience

The water delivery app for customers provides complete visibility and control of their orders and payments. It improves customer convenience and allows them to place orders in just a few clicks. Ways in which the software solution enhances customer experience:

  • Customers have the flexibility of customizing their subscriptions. They can choose their own product, delivery frequency (daily, alternate-day, custom-day, or weekly), and delivery schedule (time slot when they want to receive their order). Offering such flexibility improves customer experience and satisfaction rates.
  • Offering multiple payment options improves customer convenience and their experience.
  • Features like real-time order status updates and live tracking foster transparency, improving customer experience and satisfaction rates.

Lowered operational costs

The water delivery management system automates the bottled water delivery business operations that aim to mitigate the risks of human errors and reworks, reducing administrative and delivery costs. Ways in which TrakOp reduces operational costs:

  • The software automates the operations, minimizing manual errors and the costs of reworks.
  • It provides a route optimization feature to create the shortest delivery route to minimize delivery time and costs.
  • Efficient stock management prevents financial losses due to overstocking or stockouts.
  • Empty bottle management allows you to track the bottles, reducing the chances of losing them and causing financial losses.

Ecological sustainability

The software contributes to ecological sustainability and allows you to attract environmentally conscious customers. Digitalization and automation of water delivery operations reduce waste and carbon footprints. Ways in which TrakOp brings environmental sustainability:

  • Route optimization minimizes the fuel consumption and carbon emissions. This reduces the impact of carbon footprint on the environment.
  • Bottle tracking prevents losing them. As they are made of plastic, they can lead to soil pollution if not managed efficiently.
  • Automation and digitalization remove the need for paperwork. It not only improves efficiency but also reduces the load on paper consumption, saving trees.

Improved customer retention

The system offers features like loyalty programs, a customer relationship management system, and coupons to improve customer engagement and retention rates. Ways to improve customer retention and reduce churn rate with TrakOp:

  • You can run promotional programs, like loyalty programs, coupons, and special discounts, and offer credit limits to improve customer engagement and retention.
  • Allow your customers to give feedback and suggestions, and act on them. Customers feel special when they are heard, which will help you retain them.
  • Offer a personalized experience to your customers. You can analyze their details from the customer relationship management software and provide special offers based on the details.


The software allows you to scale your business. As your customer base increases, you need more than a simple digital platform. TrakOp can help you accommodate and manage your increasing customer number. Ways in which TrakOp can help you scale your business:

  • TrakOp can help you handle increasing data efficiently.
  • Reporting and analytics can help you understand your business’s financial health. You can analyze the data to create plans and strategies for future business.
  • You can manage as many deliverable areas as you want from the platform, allowing you to expand your serviceable areas.


Investing in water delivery software solutions like TrakOp can help you manage your business seamlessly. The features and functionalities of the system improve the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of your bottled water delivery business. Book a free demo to see how TrakOp works and can help you manage your bottled water subscription business.

Hope You Enjoyed the Read!

Ravi Garg Founder & CEO

He loves to explore. His passion for helping delivery industries in all aspects flows through in the vision he has. In addition to providing smart solution to make delivery process flawless, Ravi also likes to write sometimes to make it easier for people from business industry looking for digital solutions.